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By Launchbase

Five Ways to Find Funding for Your Tech Startup

Whether you’re a veteran entrepreneur or just starting out with your first...

May 30 • 5min read
By Launchbase

Why Agile Is Great for Startups

Has your software development project descended into disarray because no one can...

Apr 21 • 5min read
By Launchbase

The Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Approaching Investors

As app developers to successful and leading startups we are well connected...

Oct 06 • 5min read
By Launchbase

Navigating Your Startup: Looking Back To Launch Your Product Forward

Founders and investors, we are talking to you this week. At Launchbase,...

Feb 25 • 4min read
By Launchbase

Top 5 Proptech Startups To Watch In 2019

Property tech, or what is now known as proptech is a sector...

Aug 12 • 3min read
By Launchbase

Discover Great Street Food Using Streats!

If there’s one thing the team at Launchbase love just as much...

Mar 21 • 5min read