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By Launchbase

Utilising Epics & User Stories in Agile Product Development

In the fast-paced world of agile product development, where time is of...

Oct 20 • 3min read
By Launchbase

Mobile DevOps: Starting Strong with Best Practices

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, mobile app development has become a cornerstone...

Sep 26 • 4min read
By Launchbase

Common Mistakes When Building an MVP

Understanding MVP: What’s the Deal? A Minimum Viable Product, or MVP, is...

Aug 31 • 2min read
By Launchbase

Why Agile Is Great for Startups

Has your software development project descended into disarray because no one can...

Apr 21 • 5min read
By Launchbase

The Right Fit: Obtaining Your Product-Market Fit (Part 2)

Building Your Value Proposition Strategy Last week, we discussed prioritising underserved customer...

Feb 18 • 4min read
By Launchbase

Launching it Lean: Lean Startup Strategies to Launch New Products

At Launchbase, we have been approached to launch new products from small-scale...

Feb 04 • 6min read