Jul 04 - 4min readLondon App Developers’ Must-Have AppsBy Launchbase

London is cold, it’s usually raining, and it generally involves a lot of queuing.


In fact, the faster than average pace of London means it’s all too easy to become overwhelmed and spend your weekend wrapped in a duvet watching Netflix.


But it needn’t be like that and our app development team is here to help. Let our London app developers take the hassle out living in the Capital, so you can appreciate London for what it really is, a beautiful city with terrible weather.


Forget Uber, Citymapper or Tubemap (although if you don’t have these then download them right now), our mobile app developers have put together the apps you may not have heard of, to ensure your time in London is as low cost, fun-filled and stress-free as possible.




Dice App


Great for: When you want to go to a gig but don’t want to pay booking fees…

Project manager Sarah loves DICE. Available for both iPhones and Androids, DICE allows users to buy face value festival and gig tickets, with no booking fees.


The events featured on the app are hand-picked by their music team and updated daily. Artists such as Taylor Swift, Jessie Ware and Jamie XX have all sold tickets through DICE. So next time you fly into a rage when Ticketmaster demands £5 for doing absolutely nothing, remember, DICE is your friend.


Download DICE on the App Store


2) Dojo


app developers UK


Great for: When you don’t know what the hell to do with your weekend…


Launchbase CEO John and mobile app designers Elliott and James all love Dojo and, judging by their huge number of social media followers, they are not the only ones.


Dojo believe that if it’s worth going to, they know about it. Each day they hand pick the very best stuff to do in London, with guides such as ‘8 restaurants that are worth the queue’ or ‘Waterloo food festival’.


Dojo is a bored Londoners dream. From things to do on a rainy weekend to top beers to drink this summer, Dojo has you covered.


What gives Dojo the extra boost in our opinion, is their hilarious social media presence. We can all learn from their laid back and witty approach to social media marketing.


Download Dojo on the App Store


3) London Coffee Network


London App developers


Great for: When you finally realise that Starbucks’ coffee is utter s***


If you fancy a coffee but don’t want to spend £5 in Starbucks, you need London Coffee Network.


Using this app, coffee lovers can easily find their closest ‘real’ coffee shop. They are then rewarded with points depending on how much they spend in store. Essentially, users are rewarded for drinking better coffee.


Supporting independent local coffee shops, London Coffee Network ensures that you are never far from your caffeine fix and working in an industry as fast growing as mobile app development means we permanently need coffee.


Download London Coffee Network


4) Social Concierge


London App Developers


Great for: Meeting rich single people…


For any single Londoners who don’t mind spending £40 a month trying to find love, Social Concierge is for you.


Designed and developed by Launchbase, Social Concierge is a private dating events club for young, single Londoners. Members are vetted by founder Nana and, on acceptance, will be invited to private dating cocktail parties, dinners and partner events.


The other attendees will be well-educated, single and sociable. Gaining membership isn’t easy though so make sure you dress to impress. We’re still waiting for our invites.


Download Social Concierge on the App Store


5) Street Art London


App Development Agency


Great for: Anyone who has ever described London as ‘dull’


Our mobile app designers are a creative bunch, so it was only right that there was something arty on this list.


For those of you who love street art, this app has the best of the best in London.


The home feed displays all the latest street art, including up to date locations and maps. Users can filter the maps by artist and share great street art on social media.


Download Street Art London on the App Store


6) FEAST. London


London App Developers


Great for: When you need brunch and you need brunch fast…


For those of us who love eating (all of us), FEAST London is perfect for discovering the best places for breakfast and brunch. Whether you’re a full English fanatic or prefer fancy eggs on toast, FEAST will have something for you.


Logos and contact details make the venue easy to find, and using the ‘Nearby’ function when you’re too hungover to walk will display venues close to your location. Your Sunday mornings will never be the same again.


Download FEAST. London on the App Store


7) MyTime London


My time LOGO


Great for: Those of you who always seem to find out about London’s coolest events after they’ve already happened…


If you’re sick of never knowing what’s going on in London, MyTime should be on your list. Select any date and get a list of events happening in London on that day, and it’ll even update last minute, so your days of missing out on the best things to do are over.


MyTime ensures you never miss an event because you simply haven’t heard about it, and covers events such as one-off theatre productions, comedy nights, pop up cinemas and quiz nights.


There are also plans to move to other cities both in the UK and across the world so stay tuned.




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