Jun 17 - 3min read3 Ways To Increase App Store RankingsBy Launchbase

With over 2 million apps now available to download, getting your product noticed is one of the biggest challenges that both mobile app developers and start-ups will have to face.


Whilst utilising social media and retaining a loyal following are essential when it comes to marketing your product, ASO (App Store Optimisation) cannot be overlooked. It is something people continuously struggle with yet ASO is a crucial part of mobile app development. You can have world-class app designers and developers, alongside a world-class app, but without investing time and effort into ASO, the product is unlikely to succeed. Whether you use an app development company or a freelancer, ASO is essential to ensure your app ranks in the App Store.


What is ASO?


ASO is optimising your app so that it ranks higher in the App Store search results.


It involves making your mobile app visible in the App Store by using various methods. The higher your app ranks, the more people will click on it, eventually leading to more downloads.


It is important that all the components are in place to make sure your app not only ranks highly, but also stands out from the rest. As the majority of apps are discovered through App Store searches, the importance of ASO for app development and launch cannot be overemphasised.



  1. Keyword Research

Just like optimising a website for search engines, when it comes to mobile app development, the use of keywords could make or break your time in the App Store. It is arguably the most important component of ASO.


Spend some time researching potential keywords. Remember to go for highest search volume with the lowest competition, as targeting these will give you the best opportunity to rank highly.


Generally, apps with the relevant keyword in the title rank higher than those that don’t, so it probably is worth having a keyword strategically placed in your title.


However, don’t put one there just for the sake of it. As with SEO, the most important thing is having something people actually want, so make sure you have a concise and high quality product in the first place, and not a useless app simply filled to the brim with keywords and spam phrases.


Always remember it is not just the App Store search results that is influenced by your app’s title and description, it’s your potential users too. More than anything your description should be engaging, presenting your app’s main features and explaining why these will benefit a potential user.


  1. App Icon


Your app icon is the first visual impression users will have of your product, so it needs to be good.


It is extremely worthwhile getting a mobile app designer on board with your product if only to help you create a great app icon. They can help you create something high quality, which conveys your brand in one simple design.


Remember to keep it simple, research the competition and create something that really stands out.


  1. Choose the right visuals for your app

Whilst visuals do not directly affect your search rankings, they are extremely important when it comes to branding your app and attracting potential users and, the more downloads you get, the higher your app will rank (Kissmetrics wrote a post on ASO statistics here, although a pre-warning – there’s a lot of graphs).


The first two visuals are the most important because they are displayed in the search results. Make sure you describe some of the best features of the app, alongside a screenshot illustrating these qualities.


Finally remember that it is hard for mobile app developers to know what really drives a user to download their app, so trial and error is key. Updating keywords, descriptions and visuals to keep up with the competition, as well as ensuring you have a high quality product will all contribute to higher search rankings and help you with that all important start-up success.


Email info@borneagency.com/ to start designing and developing your very own mobile app.


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