Apr 01 - 2min readApp Development CompaniesBy Launchbase

If you are thinking of building an app for your business or startup it’s very important to look at all the options when selecting an app development company.

There is a raft of app development companies in the UK alone and sometimes choosing a provider can be difficult.

One thing that is important to check is whether they have case studies that you can actually interact with. A lot of app developers will put case studies on their websites that don’t actually link to live content. Be sure to check the case studies are live and actually have been completed by the developer.

Also check where the developers are located. Do they have a LinkedIn page? DO they actually employ developers or do they outsource. A lot of app developers uk claim to have in house developers but then actually outsource the work.

Once you have shortlisted  a few agencies it’s important to speak to them and see if there is a fit. Remember that selecting an agency should be right for both parties and you should always try to be as open minded as possible when speaking with potential app development companies.

If an agency gives you a fixed cost right off the bat, this should be a red flag to your business. It’s almost impossible to estimate a project properly without a well defined scope and even then it can be risky.

Instead focus on the outcomes the agency is looking to provide. Look at how they work. do they work agile, time and materials? Do they ask for payment upfront or are they happy to be judged by their work?

Here at Launchbase we work with clients on an agile basis to define their roadmap and work sprint by sprint. Our teams become an extension of yours and we release working software regularly. We are judged on our outcomes and always ask for payment in arrears and not upfront.

If you are looking for a trusted agency who works as a partner not a provider then get in touch and we can discuss your project.


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