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By Launchbase

The beginning of the business-specific smartphone?

The beauty of Google’s Android platform is that it is free. Not...

Apr 22 • 2min read
By Launchbase

When the Apple falls…

Something odd has happened. Something has occurred which has not happened in...

Apr 28 • 3min read
By Launchbase

Google’s Annual Letter Pins Hopes on AI

Every year Google publishes an annual letter to the world at large...

May 02 • 3min read
By Launchbase

Apple loses Trademark appeal for ‘iPhone’ in China

When is and iPhone not an iPhone? When it’s in China. This...

May 08 • 2min read
By Launchbase

Apple TV Mark 2 – All about the Apps

iTunes already offers a movie download service and Apple TV itself already has a core interface. A potential upgrade could see, if not a game changer, then at least a mover and shaker in the industry. Analysts, journalists and industry insiders have already pointed to the lack of 3rd party support for Apple TV as a negative and, with so much offered by built-in smart TVs the next gen TV must have something special up its sleeve to make headlines.

Sep 01 • 3min read
By Launchbase

The Future of TV is Apps – overview of the Apple Autumn Event

This week has been a busy one for Apple. We had reported earlier of their decision to allow ads to be blocked on Safari on iPad and iPhone and the potential impact that could have but the biggest Apple news of the week was always going to come from the Autumn Apple Event which took place Wednesday.

Sep 11 • 4min read