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By Launchbase

Driving Change Forward: How Conservation and Environmental Charity Organisations are Using Tech

Conservation and environmental charities have their profiles lifted through heightened media coverage...

Apr 30 • 4min read
By Launchbase

You’re Hired! Potential for AI in Recruitment

The battle to attract and retain talent has gained enormous traction over...

Apr 23 • 4min read
By Launchbase

The Best Digital Tools for Managing Stress and Mental Health in the Charity and Healthcare Sector

As we face the tough challenges that come with our wellbeing in...

Apr 20 • 5min read
By Launchbase

Change Up the Tools in the Tool Box: Using Digital Products in The Construction Sector

The major issues that are facing the construction industry are quality control,...

Apr 02 • 3min read
By Launchbase

Having 2020 Vision: Transforming the Decade with Sustainable Tech

The biggest challenges that we face today will require all of us...

Jan 14 • 3min read
By Launchbase

It Has Never Been HIPAA Being a Developer In Healthtech

Software is a driving force in pushing improvements in the healthcare sector...

Dec 23 • 3min read