Sales tool for global construction company

Launchbase has designed and developed an iPad application to be used as a sales tool by Multiplex when pitching for new business.


  • Construction
  • Proptech
  • Real Estate

Winning and losing an RFP can result in huge profit/loss spikes. The iPad app aims to convert more pitches into winning ones and land Multiplex more business.

John Radford, CEO at Launchbase


Launchbase has designed and developed Multiplex an intuitive and easy to use iPad app and accompanying CMS to manage the content. The app is used for responding to tenders and pitching for new business. The app allows Multiplex to engage their clients by providing a slick UI and present their content in a more consumable way. The robust CMS allows Multiplex to administer several projects on the go and push out new content as and when they desire. It supports multiple pitches and can be used offline as well.

Tech stack:

  • PHP
  • Swift

Project duration 4 months

Iterations 6


Multiplex now has a solution that gives them a competitive advantage over rival businesses.


  • iOS app
  • Clickable Prototype
  • Business Strategy
  • Web

Tenders performance+15%

Client partnership1 year

Launchbase were great to work with. Extremely professional and responsive at all times.

Lin Haskamp – Design Director

Multiplex web screens