Oct 02 - 4min readWhy We Chose the Agile Method for Our ClientsBy Launchbase

When it comes to the Agile Method, it is an incremental and iterative approach to the development of mobile application where the development cycle is sectioned into different sub-modules which are taken on as mini-projects. Every sub-module is given to a specific team at Launchbase and is subjected to complete the development cycle. This cycle is divided into designing and development, testing and finally, the delivery of the product to you for review. The advantages of the Agile Method in app development is the iterative nature of tech which allows for it to be of such high value in the tech market.

Here are our top reasons on why we chose the Agile Method for our development process:

✔️ Rapid Development

The agile model allows for entire mobile app projects that we develop to be divided into smaller modules which can be treated like independent sub-projects. These sub-projects are handled by our individual teams which are handled independently. These have very-little to no reliance on one another. Aside from this, everyone is thoroughly briefed on the resources necessary to contribute to the production of your product which allows for the increase of the development process. By doing this, it gives you the safety in knowing that our developers have put in their absolute best work to complete their part of the project and produces a streamlined product in the quickest way possible.

✔️ Quality Control

Unlike traditional forms of app development, the agile method does not test the app at the end-phase of development. This fosters the testing at the end of each phase of the module at a primitive level. By doing this, we are lessening the risk of encountering issues while testing the entire project. This also lets our developers inspect your project and its elements at every phase and adjust as needed. This results in producing a higher quality product.

✔️ It Lessens Our Client’s Risk

The marketplace trends and requirements creates an atmosphere of risk in more ways than one. When developing your product, you have taken these risks into account. However, by the time your product reaches its launch phase, these trends may have passed. By taking part in the agile method, these tools allow you to take calculated risks whilst improving your market scope of your project. In other words, this allows for us to develop your product and make specific changes to suit these changes without disturbing the code of earlier sprints. By doing this, you make your application more suitable to the fluctuating market.

✔️ We Can Provide Impeccable Project Management

The agile method facilitates allows us to manage your projects easily. We can keep a perfect record of each task that is performed on every project we are working on. Because of this, we can pick up productivity levels of every individual of our team and keep track of this to ensure your project meets the required deadlines and provide you with feedback accordingly.

✔️ It Lowers Your Development Cost

By planning every step of the development of your project, we can calculate the approximate cost of creating your application and set realistic expectations to your development budget. Doing this can avoid mishaps by avoiding leaving your project incomplete owing to funds and resources.

✔️ It Can Improve Your Customer Experience

The agile mobile app development has a strong emphasis on customer experience which is facilitated through close collaboration with our clients to understand their vision. The projects we work on are passed onto our clients through tech sprints which brings transparency to our process. This enables us to check if both parties are happy with the result, adjust accordingly before proceeding further. This significantly decreases launching your app which does not fulfil your vision which will enhance your customer experience overall.

✔️ We Can Create Customisations For Your Product

Our approach allows our developers to customise the development process throughout the course of your project. When it comes to digital product development, there are no specific rules to follow. In other words, the agile process facilitates developers to customise your development timeline according to their choice and deliver a product that is a user-centric solution.

✔️ You Earn A High Return Over Your Investments

The agile methodology has created a platform to let organisations like yours enter the market with the most basic app (MVP) and update it with each iteration. This makes things easier for you as it allows you to test your idea, collect the date you require and build up brand presence. You can then deliver the best features that you have found through this research according to your market and customer requirements. This helps you as well as our team to make the right decisions for obtaining for fetching the best ROI in your market.

✔️ It Increases Customer Satisfaction Levels For Our Clients

The agile development process has an outstanding visibility and flexibility to make edits to your product and making sure that you as a product owner are always included in it. This results in improved customer satisfaction and engagement.
Project management through the agile method allows for the following things to take place:
• Keeping customers engaged and involved during the development of your project.
• Put forward functionalities to your consumers in sprint reviews.
• Deliver your project to the market faster.

With the appropriate commitments in place and hard work, the agile method in app development promises engaging digital products in a short time-frame. But like everything, this method requires its own demands and implications that which offers you the perfect amount of effect and teamwork. Looking to take your product concept and make it agile? Get in touch and we can make that happen.


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