Mar 25 - 4min readLaunchbase UK Approach To UK App DevelopmentBy Launchbase

Our UK based app developers have launched digital products for seven years. Launchbase have chosen to have a base in the UK as it is one of the main hubs of app development. App design by our app developers in the UK have informed our London office of the potential trends that the UK has seen in product development. Trends that UK Launchbase HQ have noticed have seen a movement towards

IoT Based Smart Objects

UK app development companies need to focus on developing apps for IoT enabled Smart Objects in 2020. There is a rising demand for smart homes and workplaces in the UK where everything is managed through a mobile apps. IoT Based Smart Objects is a collection or network of objects embedded with software and electronics, sensors, etc., that helps connect the objects with a common network. UK users can operate all this with UK mobile apps. The best example of IoT development is smart homes where users can manage common appliances like ACs , TV, lights, refrigerator ,etc. with their mobile apps.

Instant Android Apps

From the mouths of our UK app developers, instant apps are apps that can run without being installed. The  UK app users users can start using the app without the hassle of downloading or installing it from the app store. In short, the Android Instant apps are mobile websites that operate directly from the cloud. For example, the Hollar shopping app. All you need is to enable instant apps on your mobile and you can use it. This is the reason why Instant Apps are becoming so popular, specifically in the UK. In 2020, UK app development companies need to adopt this trend in Android development to safeguard their business revenues.

Decentralised Apps

In 2020, UK app development companies must not ignore decentralised apps or blockchain-based apps. Blockchain-based, decentralised apps or DApps are the future of app development! Blockchain is a decentralised ledgeer where nothing is owned by a single authority. This ensures high security. In today’s world, security is a primary concern of UK users and business can flourish only when they promise the utmost security, Thus, this is the right time for development companies to start blockchain-based UK app development agencies. Initially, blockchain gained popularity in the gaming industry and is now being adopted in all major industries to include blockchain in fintech and healthcare sectors due to data sensitivity and security needs, Soon, we can expect major developments on the blockchain platform with Facebook all set to launch its cryptocurrency  “Libra” in 2020.

Mobile Payment Apps

Mobile wallets are not a new concept anymore. Mobile payment apps have become son popular within a short time due to the convenience that these offer to users. Mobile payment apps or mobile wallets are the need of the hour as consumers are looking for more and more time-saving convenience. People are transitioning to mobile or virtual wallets rapidly also due to safety concerns of handling hard cash. Mobile wallets are the need of the hour as consumers are looking for more and more time-saving and convenience. People are transitioning to mobile or virtual wallets rapidly also due to safety concerns of handling hard cash. Google Pay and PayPal are two popular examples of mobile payment apps or wallets that have made our life easy.

Foldable Screens

The UK development of foldable screens has enabled a higher screen size within mobiles, thus improving voice streaming and gaming experience for users. In 2020, more apps will need to be optimised for foldable screens. Motorola, Samsung and Huawei are already offering foldable display mobile phone models. Development companies cannot ignore foldable-screen  friendly tech.

Beacon Technology

Beacons are small, wireless transmitters used to send signals to smart devices in their proximity. Beacon technology has made location-based search and interaction easy and accurate. According to a Global Market Insights report, the beacon technology market size is expected exceed $25 billion by 2024. With beacon technology, shops can notify or inform the customers when the customers fall within the range of their shop or even send out messages about offers and discounts.

Augmented Reality in E-Commerce

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are other significant popular trends in UK mobile apps today which UK app development agencies need to follow. In 2020, these are expected to get more popular and common for e-commerce apps. According to Statista, the market for AR and VR worldwide is expected to rise to 18.8 billion USD in 2020 (Source).

With AR, users can get a real shopping experience in their mobile itself. Shopping is no longer a tough or time-consuming task. AR apps make shopping a fun activity and allow users to understand the product better. This reduces the chances of disappointment and returns later.

Today’s users are busy with their job and personal life and have no time for shopping. At the same time, it is also true that shopping is one of the basic needs that we cannot do without! AR in e-commerce has made shopping an interesting and easy experience. People largely depend on online shopping now, with the trust that AR has generated. So, we can expect a huge rise in the AR app development for all major industries including e-commerce this year.





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