Jul 08 - 4min read5 Things You Should Know About This WeekBy Launchbase

It’s Friday afternoon which means in between pretending we have social lives and, well, developing apps, our mobile app developers have put together their list of techie things you need to know about this week.


Here’s our top tech news of the week roundup.


Here Comes HummingBad


A malware named HummingBad has infected around 10 million Android phones around the world, with over 100,000 in the UK.


Discovered in February by Check Point, HummingBad generates fraudulent ad revenue, installing fake apps without the users knowledge or consent.


The malware runs alongside a legitimate advertising business, which has allowed it to take control of millions of Android phones.


If the software fails to take control through ‘root access’, it’s primary method, it sends a fake system update notification, which tricks the user into allowing the malware system-level permission.


All personal data is at risk once the phone has been infected, including photos, passwords and enterprise data.


Android users have been advised by Android to install anti-virus software and keep their mobile apps up to date.


Any other iPhone users feeling smug?


Galaxy Note 7


Launching in August, the Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 looks set to rival all current smartphones with it’s new ‘mystery’ software.


Reports claimed the device will have ‘super-powered’ software, imaginatively named ‘Android 6.1’. Ground-breaking.


Supposedly the Galaxy Note 7 will abandon it’s fingerprint scanner, instead using an iris scanner which you must stare into to unlock your phone.


There is also confirmation that there will be three colours of Galaxy Note 7 to choose from. A tweet from the supposedly reliable @evleaks, contains press renders showing the new colour schemes, named ‘Black Onyx, Silver Titanium and Blue Coral’.



Tessla Car Crash


Worryingly, there have now been two Tesla car accidents, with the second occurring last week.


Unlike the Florida crash in April, this week’s accident was non-fatal, although it certainly doesn’t bode well for the Tesla Motors autopilot technology, designed to allow vehicles to drive themselves for brief periods of time.


U.S safety officials began investigating the accident this week, after the car rolled over last Friday on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.


Although minor compared to the fatal Florida crash, in which the car continued to operate at highway speed despite striking a tractor crossing the roadway, last week’s accident does little to reassure sceptics of this new autopilot technology.


iPhone 7 Leak


A sneak peak of the iPhone 7, released by Dutch company teachtastic.nl has hit the headlines this week as speculations rise as to what the new iPhone will offer.


The images show what many are expecting, a new, dual camera system with Linx camera technology. Using two lenses, users will be able to take photos of a far higher quality.


The leaked photos show the iPhone 7 with no headphone jack and with a 3D touch home button. The iPhone 7 is also a different size to the current 6S, 7.15mm as opposed to 7.1mm.


However, there is no way of knowing whether this leak is legitimate or not, so this could just be another piece of pointless news.


Pokémon GO


Nintendo’s shares have sky rocketed after the release of Pokémon GO, which has quickly become the number one free app in the U.S, and the highest grossing.


The market value of Nintendo has risen to around $23 billion, (notably $3 billion less than Microsoft bought LinkedIn for) and Nintendo has predicted the game will increase it’s profits to around $450 million. If you’re dreaming of this level of success, check out the marketing lessons we can all learn from Pokémon GO.


Pokémon GO, a mobile game for both iOS and Android allows players to catch Pokémon in the ‘real’ world. The game superimposes Pokémon monsters in the users’ actual locations using their smartphone cameras, and they must then ‘catch’ them. It also includes plenty of in-app purchases so not only can you waste your time playing the game, you can also waste your money.


Of course, this supposedly addictive game has led to hilarious incidences of people ‘catching’ their Pokémon in serious situations. One man felt the need to catch a Pokémon whilst he was talking to a police officer who pulled him over and another caught a Pokemon whilst his wife was giving birth.


If, like these two, you can’t wait to start catching your Pokémon and become one of the many people who now choose virtual reality over real life experiences, visit Macworld for details on how you can download Pokemon GO in the UK.







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