Feb 10 - 5min read10 Excellent Wireframing tools for App DevelopmentBy Launchbase

Wireframing and UI is now integral to any digital agency or any mobile app developer. Setting out the strategy before you begin any build, or even the design stage is critical for ensuring product success. We are looking at 10 wireframing tools that will help you create the next Whattsapp.

These tools can help by giving you a visual representation of what your completed project will do, not just what it looks like.
You will then have a better focus on what pleases your clients, satisfies their wants, and needs.


If you like to “Wing it and doing it on the Fly.”

Mocking may be the right choice for a quick mobile UI that saves you time, Money, and most importantly satisfies your customers.

Your design team will be able to see what is needed to get them on the same page to make sure the app you develop fits the overall concept as show with Mockingbird’s built in collaborative ability.


Lovely Charts

Here is simple package that not only lets you Wireframe and create the dataflow, and element relationships to help in the design efforts of your app agency in the design efforts and for flowchart for the customer the process by which their new app will function.

So this package is liken to a Swiss Army Knife that gives multiple functions to help with you apps overall design as not just Wireframing.



Cacoo is an online as well as free tool to let you Wireframe at the your firm and then go to the customer’s site and utilize their conferencing area and network to demo your mobile app’s design and let them look at what you are proposing.
Then you both can change your mobile apps design right there in the meeting room with all the stakeholders present. Real time collaboration makes for easy iphone app development.

This saves you from going back and forth with design changes a conference link and with those in your design team at your office and you and you clients, onsite can work to create the best solution for their app.



iphone app developers Gliffy offers ease of use as well as the ability to Build it, Change it, and share it. (It says so right on their website)

Its secret is that its platform independent. This allows you to work anywhere with any customer, no matter what kind of platform they are running at their site.


You can show your mobile app design to them in the comfort of their corporate HQ. Now you can show process flow, sitemaps, and modeling needed to show how your app will work and benefit your customer.



Here is a mockup and Wireframe package that in its pro configuration also supports enhance security features that protect your ideas and propriety information.

It supports an extensive component library that you can use to quickly build your Wireframes and Mockups to share with your customer quickly, as speed is the name of the game it also seamlessly integrates with your clients as all they need is a link to look at you proposed designs for their mobile apps.

This saves downloading time or running the changes back and forth between offices.


Here is one of the best of the best in Wireframe apps on the market today. We use this for all our websites.

Drag and Drop support that has all the features you need in one package that gets your Wireframes to you clients quickly and on time.

It uses both JavaScript and the new HTML5 web development standard so you are always current with your code.

It is one of the most highly recommended products on the market today to build a First-Class Wireframe that will show your app in its best light and get them to sign on the dotted line.



This program has been around for eons and is now reinventing itself into the world of Wireframes.

It can port in almost any graphical representation you need and give full resolution as well as aspect ratio, which is scalable. In today’s world of changing screen sizes across mobile platforms, this makes App Development simpler to visualize and implement.

The new version CS6 is even faster with its ability to sketch out your ideas right then, as the customer watches and offers their input to what they want and how the final layout should look.

iPhone app developers often use it in conjugation with SWIFT to show what the app will look like then using SWIFT get a prototype up and ready to demo for their clients.


Most people may already have Visio as part of their corporate Windows bundle and not even know it’s there.

While not designed specifically for Wireframing it interfaces well will all of the Microsoft’s other products and with a little tweaking, can be used as a passable Wireframing tool as well.

Its power is in its robust library of stencils and objects along with it ruled backdrop that can be used to help layout the screen for your app’s look.

This makes ideal for putting your special Design together of what a screen will look like and the visual of functional elements you want to display for mobile app development.


For another of the best of the best Wireframing apps we have Axure as our final entry for the Top Ten.

While it isn’t cheap, it is the one you want to when you want a fast prototype up and ready to show or demo at a client’s site.

It uses no coding and is intuitive and simple to use. Unlike Photoshop, its learning curve is short.

Over 60% of the fortune 100 companies use this product and swear by it.

In addition, it supports:
Web Design
iPhone/iPad Mockup app
This is the crème del la crème of Wireframing mobile app development tools on the market today.

UX Prototypes, Specifications, and Diagrams in One Tool

Pencil and a sketch pad

Paper Wireframing is still one-way to create a beautiful and functional design for a Web app or iPhone creation. mobile app developers

In today’s age of concentrating on how much high tech we can use. Sometimes the old fashion ways are best.

For selling to a client jaded to the bells and whistles of countless PowerPoint presentations ad Nauseum.

Walking in with a portfolio of beautifully rendered by hand, Wireframe Pictures can turn the hearts of the most hardened stakeholder.

Using professional grade are and bringing that artist with to change immediately sketch up or create new mockups right in front of the client’s eyes demonstrates a touch of class.

This idea goes all the way back to the age of steam where machine diagrams were works of art as well as functional.

In more recent days of Frank Lloyd Wright’s drawings, which today are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars just for their elegance and form.

Do the same for your mobile app Wireframes. It will capture the minds and souls of your clients as well or use any of the other ideas you’ve seen today.

Remember the goal is to make you dream a picture, the picture an app, and that app a reality.


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